Check your mail (actual Post Office mail!) for your pledge form as we launch the stewardship campaign for 2023…L Sunday, October 2 is Stewardship Sunday, and we will rock the Fellowship Hall after worship.  Music, fun treats, coffee, a raffle and more! Your pledged support will raise the funds for this great adventure in calendar year 2023.
Turn your pledge form in and you will be automatically entered into our amazing raffle! We will host three Super Cool Sunday Coffee hours.  At each we will draw for one of the raffle bundles.  Don’t win the first Sunday? Let it ride for the next one. The sooner you turn in your pledge the more chances you get!

Not only that, if you also pledge your time and talent you will get to spin the wheel for extra bonus raffle tickets, which means even more chances to win! Even the kids take a spin!  Our younger ones can step up, provide a creative answer for a question posed and take a spin for prizes.

So, mark your calendar for Oct 2, Oct 23 and Nov 13!  You can also pledge by returning your form by mail or online at (Don’t worry we will put a raffle ticket in for you!) Check out the amazing raffle bundles!

Click here for details