‘Tis the Season of Giving

Gift Cards

Whole Foods/Caring Cupboard team would like to be able to distribute $25 gift cards to the guests who come for food.  Your contribution of a gift card  (with receipt) or cash can help us meet that goal.  Collecting through December 10. See Deb Johnson.

Our Immigration team continues to work with Akron Interfaith Immigration Advocates and will be giving out gift cards and food baskets to the Immigrant families we serve. We are asking for donations of the following gift cards: Dollar General, Aldi or WalMart.  Collecting through December 10. See donation collection box at Visitor’s Desk or speak with Sharon Geffken.


Our UU Women’s Association is partnering with Castle Park Caring Community to bring the holidays to the children and families of Family Promise of Summit County. Stop by the tree outside Fellowship Hall or see Laurel Winters.

UUWA is also collecting full-size bars of soap and full-size tubes of toothpaste and toothbrushes to give our Community Meal guests.  Please drop donations in the box in the cloak room no later than December 10.

Freedom House Bake Sale

We are collecting donations of baked goods to sell at the bake sale.  Please drop off your donated baked goods to the kitchen during the first week of December. Label “Freedom House.”   Sale will be following worship December 10.

Please turn your receipt in with your purchased donations so matching funds can be applied. 

Sunday Special Collections Coming Up:

November 26:  Freedom House

December 17:  Community Meal

If you would like to donate online for any of these opportunities go to our Give page,choose “Other” and in the Comments” put the name of group you are donating to.