
Join us for the Sacred Circle Service of Imbolc, a Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron zoom service in conjunction with Terra Amma Grove

đŸ”„For the ritual:
đŸ”„A candle to light.
đŸ”„Candles to be blessed for the upcoming year (optional)

The first days of February bring much celebration: St. Brigid’s Day, Imbolc, Candlemas, Groundhog’s Day, Feast of St. Blaise!

Join us on Zoom

Meeting ID: 878 9131 0426
Passcode: 338556
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,87891310426# US (New York)

There is an emphasis on fire, flame, light, the brightening sun, and warming of the Mother Earth.

Ancient civilizations would greet this time of the year by performing rites to the rising power of the springtime sun.

It is the time when the hope of spring is evident in the pastures. Because there will be more lambs and kids, the elder animals are killed for food, hides, and rendering the fat to make candles.

When Ireland was Christianized, the Abbess of Kildare, a holy healing woman also named Brigid, was canonized, and set in place of the Goddess. Veneration of the Pagan Goddess Brigid was thus usurped and transformed into the feast day of St. Brigid. 

Through our Sacred Circle Services, we honor the Old Ways, and our UU Sixth Source of Spirituality!
