Bliss Bestowed Hands-June 2023

In May of 2020, the UU Church of Akron passed a resolution on Anti-Racism that reads in part, “UUCA urges its congregants to examine carefully their own conscious and unconscious racism as participants in a racist society, and the effect that racism has on all of our lives, regardless of color.” If you have not read the full resolution, I recommend it to you. It is a powerful document that asks us to live our Principles and values of inclusion, compassion, and justice.

Indeed, this month there is much going on in this area. I will be facilitating a visioning process with our 8th Principle Team to give shape and substance to our anti-racism strategy and programming going forward. This is vital work for our congregation to do if we are to proclaim a gospel of liberation for all people.

It is hearting to see that we are in line with the UUA as a whole. As you have no doubt heard, the proposed amendment to Article II of the UUA Bylaws includes clear and concise language that urges all who proclaim Unitarian Universalism as a faith practice to include anti-racism, anti-oppression as part of that practice.

And on June 18th, my last sermon of the church year will be about Juneteenth, the official holiday to celebrate the end of slavery and the beginning of the long hard journey to equality for African American people in America. This is work that is still undone but is rewarding in the gifts of the spirit. When we let go of the oppression of the past, we come into a sense of peace and purpose with fairness and equity as its end. These are worthy spiritual goals regardless of one’s theology.

May that spirit of love, justice and inclusion reign over us as we move toward the Beloved Community. Amen

May You Be Blessed Always,
Rev. Dr. Josh Snyder