Foundation, Faith, Future

For 20 years this poster hung in our church lobby. Perhaps there is one at your church as well.

In 2018 the Unitarian Universalists Church of Akron began looking at the 8th Principle and the research on this poster began. We wanted to better reflect the diversity found in our faith. UUCA adopted the 8th Principle in May of 2020.

What you find here is the result of that research. There is so much more out there than is captured in this poster. We hope for you, this poster is not the end of the inquiry, but a launching pad into further exploration. Read more about the project and process here in the Central East Region Blog.

Purchasing the Poster

This updated version is available for purchase (without the watermark of course) from the InSpirit UU Bookstore. Also available is a supplement document that provides demographic and biographic information on those featured on the poster, as well as documentation of the changes made and the decisions behind those changes. Poster size is 18″x24″

Exploring the Poster

Download Supplement Document HERE

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