Speaker: Melissa Jeter

My UU Theology and Pluralism

If it is false that UU’s can “believe” whatever we want, then how does Unitarian Universalism reveal the value of pluralism? Unitarian Universalism is rooted in Christianity and early Christian fathers concep-tualized religion by defining and identifying what was considered a heresy. Given this exclusive practice, the Unitarians who traveled to what would be the United States … Continue reading My UU Theology and Pluralism

 Accessing the Power of Community Resilience Building

Oppression in our society breeds anxiety and cynicism. As we observe and participate in efforts to resist increases in tyranny, authoritarianism,  fascism and ecological devastation in our society and community, some of us have experienced moral injuries. Where is the life sustaining mercy, justice and compassion that we sorely need? Seminarian Melissa C. Jeter will … Continue reading  Accessing the Power of Community Resilience Building

Creation Theologies of Presence and Affirmation

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