Speaker: Abby L'Bert

Embracing Seasons, Rejecting Despair

Remembering the cycles of life in the cycles of nature.  Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/94995001274?pwd=VFQyK0N0Q0Q5RmIzSDRvbE51M2Vrdz09Meeting ID: 949 9500 1274Passcode: 678667One tap mobile+13126266799,,94995001274# US Dial by your location        +1 312 626 6799 US Meeting ID: 949 9500 1274Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acE4WBZyGH


The holiday season has a way of evoking yearning— and we may often, or at least sometimes, feel an equally deep sense of unrequited hope when the season winds down. Could it be that we are asking Christmas (et al) to be something it’s not? How might we use this time and our yearning in … Continue reading Yearning