Not, Not Christians

What is our relationship to Christmas as Unitarian Universalists? Indeed, to answer that question one must venture into what it means to call oneself a Unitarian Universalist and why. What is our historical claim to such things? Come hear the sermon that may have gotten Rev. Josh his job!

Congregational Meeting immediately following Worshhip

Click here for Order of Service

Watch it livestream HERE

Meeting ID: 987 4687 6901 Passcode: 294500

One tap mobil +13052241968,,98746876901#,,,,*294500# US

The Board also updated the Covid Policy. Vaccines and masks are highly recommended but no longer mandatory.  We all must take personal responsibility for our own health as well as the health of our fellow congregants.  Please stay home if you don’t feel well.  Wear a mask if you are vulnerable. Always err on the side of love for each other.   Masks are always available at the front entrance.  
