SE Registration Info
Attention Parents and Adult Guardians!
Spiritual Exploration programming on Sundays will continue to include a mix of age-specific class sessions, large group special programming, and intergenerational Sundays for all families to attend together. Kids will continue to start in service with their adults (unless otherwise announced) until they are then “sung out” to SE classes.
Family and Friends of UUCA, stay connected!
Do you have a young one or youth that wants to participate in SE programs? Join us in the nursery? Come along to COYA? Don’t need to be a member, friends are welcome too! Please make sure we have your child(ren)’s information so we can keep you updated, have contact info for safety, and will know our childcare needs when those come up. CLICK HERE FOR FORM so we can keep you posted!
Sign up to get our weekly Monday SE email updating you on our week ahead.
Join our UUCA SE family FB group!
For more information or questions contact our Director of Spiritual Exploration Abby L’Bert.