Ages: Infants and early preschool aged toddlers
Our bright and colorful nursery is a welcoming spot for infants and toddlers on Sunday mornings. We are fortunate to have trained childcare providers staffing the nursery on Sundays from 10:15 am to 11:45 am. Little ones can enjoy a safe and welcoming space to play and explore.
Sign in to the nursery on Sundays begins at 10:15 am. Pick up is anytime by 11:45 am.

Sunday School for Preschoolers, Ages 3-4
Led by a team of volunteer teachers as part of the regular Sunday School, the class begins when the children are sung out from the sanctuary. After class is a great time to meet other parents of preschool aged children.
Summer for Preschoolers
Preschoolers are welcome in the nursery June-August while our regular preschool class is on break.