Check back here periodically. Look for announcements in The Newsletter or email blasts.

“What’s the Big Idea?!” with Rev. Josh

Second Wednesday of the month, 7 pm, One of the program options during Stone Soup

A new Adult RE class lead by Rev. Josh.  We explore the “big” issues of religion through study and discussion.  There is less of a lecture and more of a group learning structure and encourages participation.  This is a drop in class – no need to have been to past sessions nor to commit to future ones.

Memoir Class for All Levels

To begin again in April 2025. Check back for details.

Register with the instructor: Karen Patterson at
Workshop is held offsite at Quirk Cultural Center 1201 Grant Street Cuyahoga Falls Ohio

This popular workshop is back! The class is for beginning memoir writers and folks who have been writing for years. We begin class with a 10-minute write, then share our writing piece homework (one page) and offer techniques and feedback to help with clarity, audience appeal, and other writing devices.

If you would like to write down your memories either for yourself or for others, come and share your ideas and writing with others. You will get ideas and prompts to start, a space to share your pieces, constructive and helpful feedback to improve your work.

Connection Circles

Connection Circles are a great way to get to know fellow Unitarian Universalist members on a deeper level.  Each of the six meetings will have a specific topic and short readings and questions designed to generate meaningful dialogue. Each group is limited to 10 or less participants and they take place at The Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron. For class times and availability reach out to Becky Ensworth.