Just as love knows no borders, Unitarian Universalist’s dedication to justice reaches across boundaries and walls. We show up on the side of love with all families, regardless of citizenship status, and strive to create welcoming communities and congregations. UUs organize and advocate for immigration reform, for an end to detentions and deportations, and for a world where hands are extended in peace and care across borders and no one feels forced to leave home or risk death in pursuit of a decent life for their family.

Working in close partnership with the Immigrant Worker Project based in Canton, Ohio, and the Akron Interfaith Immigration Advocates the UU Church of Akron stands in solidarity with immigrants living and working in northeast Ohio. We support those who accompany local immigrants to legal, medical and service appointments. We partner with local organizations that serve the area’s immigrant population. We support UU Justice Ohio’s and the UU Association’s initiatives on immigration.
Check the Newsletter and emails for upcoming events. If you would like to know more or to get involved contact: Sharon Geffken.