COVID-19 Safety Policy for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron

  All standard Use of Building Guidelines apply

For Sunday Morning Worship

We recommend all attendees to be vaccinated and boosted.

We ask if you are not feeling well, please stay home and join us online.

Masks are highly recommended, particularly in flu season, but not required.  We ask each member to take personal responsibility if you are particularly vulnerable or have multiple health concerns. N95 masks are highly effective protection, and we will have them available at the church.

Eating, drinking and singing will be allowed.

For All other Events, Meetings, Renters, etc.

Above guidelines apply.

If at any time levels are determined unsafe, UUCA reserves the right to reinstate mask and vaccination policy and/or cancel any event.

Should levels require hospitals to cancel elective surgeries, the church will close and provide services via zoom only.

Effective October 26, 2022. These guidelines are subject to change.

UUCA COVID-19 Safety Policy update approved by the Board of Trustees 10/26/2022 

Policy Original Development: These policies have been developed recognizing the recommendations of the  Unitarian Universalist Association and in consultation with UUCA physician members Jeff  Archinal, M.D., pediatrician; Libby Archinal, M.D., family physician; and Andy Culver, D.O.,  emergency medicine; as well minister, Administrator, Sexton and Building and Grounds Trustee. These policies will be updated periodically as conditions develop and additional information becomes available.