It’s easy to donate!
- Click on the GOLD DONATE BUTTON BELOW to be taken to the donation page.
- Fill in and choose where the money is to be credited from the DROP DOWN BOX (Pledge, Loose offering, Special Collection, etc. )
- CHECK A BOX and help cover the cost of the fees, or to make this a regular monthly payment.
- CLICK ON “Donate with PayPal” or “Donate with Credit or Debit card” and complete information required.
- CLICK NEXT. If you have chosen “Other” or have additional instruction for your donation, please put in COMMENTS box under dollar amount.
- CLICK “DONATE NOW” to complete transaction.

Donations can also be received by mailing a check payable to UU Church of Akron, 3300 Morewood Dr., Fairlawn, OH 44333. Please put in memo where the donation should be credited (pledge, special collection, etc.)
PayPal Fees: All donations made through PayPal generate a fee. The fee is the responsibility of the donor. When you use PayPal you are given the option to cover the fee. You may choose to pay the fee at the time of the donation or it will later be deducted from the donated amount. If you do not wish to pay a fee associated with your donation, you can donate via cash in an envelope in the Sunday morning collection plate or by check or set up an autopayment from your bank. If you have any questions, give the office a call, 330-836-2206.