Board of Trustees President, Heather Meeker

Board of Trustees President-Elect, Bev Hurd

Treasurer, Board of Trustees, Steve Lederer

Associate Treasurer (non-voting), Deb Johnson

Secretary, Board of Trustees, Cindy Hulse

Loving Community Trustee, Angie Laakso

Intellectual & Spiritual Exploration Trustee, Lauren Folk

Social Justice Trustee, Sarah Culver

Environmental Trustee, Whitney Shuttleworth

Building & Grounds Trustee, James Schooling

Our Board of Trustees is working with Hope for Us to help us develop a path to healing and better communications.  Updates can be found in upcoming Reporters and emails.  Read about the team here.

Board Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6 pm. All are welcome to attend as a guest. The Zoom link and agenda will be emailed prior to the meeting.

Board of Trustees Minutes are posted on our Members’ Page as they are approved.