The first Sunday of every month visit the Bookstore set up at Coffee Hour!

We have books from the UUA Bookstore, Skinner Books and other publishers. These titles explore varied aspects of Unitarian Universalism and provide thought-provoking and inspiring opportunities for spiritual growth.

We also have a variety of books you will want to peruse! There is fiction and nonfiction, biographies, histories and some things just for fun. Some are free for the taking others are a dollar or two.

Proceeds benefit the Minister’s Benevolent Fund, supporting members of the church who are in need.

Church Library

Stop by and check out our church library. Always open on Sunday mornings and when the office is open. Not only does our library is often a place for small groups and committees to meet, the range of books available for you to borrow is extraordinary.

Learn about UU History. Read on topics that speak to our social justice issues. Explore world religions. Find spiritual guidance and inspiraton from many sources, UU and beyond.

The library is on a borrowing honor system. You are welcome to take a book home to explore. We trust you will bring it back within a reasonable time and in the same condition.

Meet Amanda Newton!

Amanda join UUCA earlier this year and she has brought her passion and love for books to our UUCA Library and Bookstore!  Amanda has been hard at work sorting, cleaning and organizing our Library and setting up the bookstore. Make sure you give her a big thank you!  IF you have any questions, she would be more than happy to help!  Stop by the bookstore.