Caring Gift Cards
As the holidays approach, the Caring Cupboard/Whole Foods 365 team would like to be able to provide $25 gift cards to our guests in both November and December.
Our Immigration team is collecting gift cards from Target, Walmart, Aldi’s etc. See Sharon Geffken.
The donation station is collecting gently used “gift worthy” items to distribute throughout the holiday season. Check your closets, basements and attics for items to donate!
UUWA is collecting socks and mittens/gloves to give away at our November and December community meals. Please drop off donations in the bin in the cloak room.
UUWA is sponsoring the Caring Tree for families in need. Stop by the tree outside Fellowship Hall to participate or see Laurel Winters.
We are collecting donations of baked goods to sell at Freedom House bake sale. Please drop off your donated baked goods to the kitchen during the first week of December. Label “Freedom House.” Sale will be following worship December 15 before our Congregational Meeting.
Christmas Gift Opportunities
November 24, COYA Cookies and Christmas Gifts lovely gifts made by our youth and yummy cookies for sale.
December 1, 8, 22, Bookstore Open Stop by the table to browse our selection of books. Books make the best presents!
December 8, Young Adults Candle Sale, hand painted for the perfect holiday gift.
December 15, Freedom House Bake Sale
Sunday Special Collections coming up
November 24: Freedom House
December 22: Community Meal