A Summary of the Cottage Meetings/Focus Groups
By Susan Gallagher
The Ministerial Search Committee held 17 cottage meetings/focus groups during the month of October 2021 both on zoom and in person. These meetings included our Board, Social justice leaders and members, RE parents, BIPOC, The UU Women’s Association, past presidents, new members (since 2019), young adults, teens LGBTQIA, staff, choir and four general meetings. This is a very brief summary of those conversations.
The issue mentioned most in all of these meetings was that of building community within our Congregation by creating more fellowship in the form of fun activities, developing programming that brings us together on a deeper level such as connection circles, and working toward healing recent divisions within our Congregation by emphasizing our UUCA Covenant, Values and our Eight Principles.
Sunday morning services, sermons in particular, were next in terms of importance. Hope was expressed for well-organized, deep and spiritual sermons with topics that are diverse, challenging, and that promote our UU Values. The Minister, working together with the Worship Associates and Music Director would provide services that are moving, inspirational, creative and encourage spiritual growth – an experience that sustains and guides us through the week.
Leadership/Governance/Administration was next on the minds of those who attended the meetings. Hopefully the Minister will set the tone and direction based on our UU Values and Principles then work collaboratively with the Board and Congregation to develop our mission, vision. The Minister was seen as the Supervisor of Staff who works with them respectfully and in a collegial manner. The hope is that the Minister, Staff, Board and Congregation will work together to accomplish the mission of the church.
When asked about how we will know that we picked the right Minister for our Congregation, the most frequent response was that our church would grow. If we are truly a beloved community, welcoming and vibrant, then it would be reflected in our numbers in terms of retaining the members we already have, drawing back members who have left, and attracting new members who will want become active participants. A desire for growth of the RE Program and increased volunteerism were also mentioned.
Diversity was seen as important within our Congregation in many ways. It is hoped that the new Minister would be able to, through the promotion of our 8th Principle, increase diversity within the Congregation and understand the needs of such a diverse Congregation. Diversity would also be reflected in the Sunday services (sermons, music, experiences), programming, leadership and social justice work.
We would like our church to be a beacon for liberal thought in the wider community. We want our Minister to lead our Congregation by representing our UU denomination by engaging with other faith communities and organizations involved with social justice work, and, in so doing, increase community outreach and volunteerism and programming that would draw the wider community to our church.
Desired characteristics of a Minister is prefaced with the understanding that the perfect person does not exist. With that in mind it is hoped that our new Minister will be kind, compassionate, a good listener, confident, courageous, mature, well-read and articulate, accountable, understands their strengths and weaknesses, approachable, cares about and can relate to children, a collaborator, lives our UU Values and inspires other to do the same, has strong people skills and can engage in difficult conversations.
The measure of success in knowing we picked the right minister will be if the Minister is happy to be among us , likes us and chooses to stay for a long time, the church is growing and thriving, and there is an overall positive feeling in the church. We have made the right decision if our recent divisions have been healed, there is more fellowship, more joy and a sense of community.
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